In my continuous efforts to save my mother money, I made the mistake of taking her to a different grocery store than the one she's accustomed to. I never learn.
With great trepidation, I called her the next day.
"Well, I don't think those chicken tenders you made me buy were real," she said.
"What?" (Sigh.) "I didn't make you buy--"
"I think the tenders were squirrel or cat."
"Mom, they weren't--"
"I KNOW what they were, I know what I know. It wasn't real chicken, that's for sure. I have a tummy ache."
First of all, if you've lived ninety years, you shouldn't be allowed to say "tummy." Second of all, really, "squirrel?" Third, she thinks Trump's a "God-fearing man," so credibility kinda goes out the window.
"Fine, Mom, we'll go back to your expensive grocery store," I said.
"I know what I know." End of conversation!
My mom knows what she knows and is a tad peculiar, but nothing's more peculiar than this: