No hype! Not a dream (or nightmare, more like)! Not an imaginary story!
Just a huge slathering of ice, followed by ten inches of snow, frigid temperatures, and finally many, many, MANY curse words.
The worst storm in thirty years, the weather shut down all of Kansas City. It took us at least two days to dig our way out of the driveway.
And it took me seven different attempts to shovel the drive. I ain't the young, in-shape whippersnapper I used to be.
Two out of three of our dogs are short, becoming engulfed by the snow when they go out. So I've had to shovel some of the yard. The yard for crying out loud!
It doesn't help that the older I get, the colder I get. I put on so many layers that I look like Ralphie's younger brother in A Christmas Story. My younger brother agrees with my assessment of the weather as well.
"This is the coldest winter ever," he says repeatedly, shivering in his old guy clothes.
What really gets me are the people who are downright giddy about the storm. "It's pretty" or "I LOVE snow" or "I wish it would snow all the time."
I just don't get it. And if they continue to say those dumb things around me, I'm well within my rights to punch them in the neck. Any court around the country would find my act justified.
What really, truly gets my dander up (whatever a dander is) are the climate change deniers. All you have to do is look at all the awful weather-related storms and tragedies people have weathered (see what I did there?) over the past year.
So where do we move to where we don't have to deal with snow and ice? Can't go to Florida; too many hurricanes and crazy politicians. And now L.A.'s out because it's on fire.
Maybe Arizona...but that would probably be a hard sell for my wife because of all the spiders.
Ah well, if you can't beat the weather, join 'em! Because in one of my most popular books, Dread and Breakfast, the suspense, thrills, and chills all take place during a very bad winter storm in the Midwest. Why, it's practically downright autobiographical!