
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Snow Blows

Yep, here in Kansas we just got pummeled with a good foot of snow. I shoveled 'till my back couldn't take any more. And to get all existential on y'all, does it really matter? Really? The Snow Gods are yukking it up, ready to toss another foot on us tomorrow, laughing at the poor plight of the Midwesterner with the bad back, saying "hey, Charlie, check this guy out (because in my world, Snow Gods are named "Charlie")."

I come inside, sweaty, red-faced, looking like a Lifetime movie husband, all blustery and out of breath and ready to kill. I turn on the TV to be met with a jovial weatherman announcing the impending arrival of yet another hella' storm. And he's happy about it. Grinning. Grrr.

Meanwhile, the kids across the street were singing Let It Snow. I'd had enough. It was bad enough the brat was praising glories and hallelujahs to the Snow Gods, but he was also singing a holiday song out of season. Not on my watch. To show I wasn't a pawn of the Snow Gods, I stormed out and shoved the singing kid into a pile of snow and told him to sing Lady Gaga or something. That'll show him.

After I got outta' jail (not really), I made a vow to the Floridian Gods in their Bermuda shorts I was ready to join their side.


  1. LOL!

    Hang in there. Winter is almost done.

    1. I'm trying, Tammy! Why don't you and hubs take a vacation to Kansas and help shovel?

    2. Remember, you're complaining about snow to a Canadian! LOL

  2. The Floridian gods say come on down Stuart! This guy is sitting in his living room with shorts and no shirt on. Just sayin....

    Jim Henry

    1. Gah! I'm so jealous, Jim! Although I'd probably be wearing a Hawaiian shirt. Wouldn't wanna freak out the neighbors.

  3. we may be on different continents but yup I will stand bail for you - that child deserved to made into a snowman - 'let it snow' indeed and how do these weather men get away with the incitment to rage they start - should be a law against it - this old snow hating Brit salutes you - leave the next fall if any one slips on it tell them to get some glasses - pull down the blinds and make like the bears and hedgehogs until spring cometh:)

    1. Alberta Ross to the defense! Thanks for standing up for me in court, Alberta. You'll be called upon to be a character witness. Even if we are an ocean apart. Nice to meet you, by the way.

  4. I would come help but we're snowed in here in Michigan. Although we're used to it.

  5. Gotcha, Jeffro! I've found snow days with the wife are great movie-watching days. When her classes get cancelled (which is rare. She's a prof at a local university. Alas, not KU, but a competitive school.), we settle in for lotsa' movies. Highly recommended course of action.
