
Sunday, September 4, 2016

Sunday is Super Special Male Stripper Comic Mystery Day!

Huzzah! Betcha didn't know about this holiday, right? Well, get out your party hats and your banana hammocks, 'cause it's here! (Firework explosions!)
That's right, folks. Celebrate Sunday, September 4th, the way you know you want to...with two comic (kind of cozy) mysteries featuring my characters, Zach and Zora.

You met them yet? Zach is a bone-headed male stripper (sorry..."male entertainment dancer") who has a good heart but nothing going on upstairs. Zora, his very irritable, very pregnant (and ex-sleuth) sister got all the brains. Often, she rides to her beloved (why, dear God, why?) brother's defense when he keeps stumbling across dead bodies. Oh, and she usually has her full entourage of kids along for the ride. Until things get dangerous. It's complicated (you know, like the kids say on Facebook).

The first book, Bad Day in a Banana Hammock, is on sale Sunday, the 4th for the introductory price of .99! As my mom would say, "highway robbery!" (For me, of course). One click away from larfs and suspense: Bad Day in a Banana Hammock
The follow-up, Murder by Massage, releases Sunday, the 4th! Double whammy, pow, pow! (Some of Zach's "dancing" terminology). Get it here: Murder by Massage

In the second book, you'll meet a dancing detective, a jail-cell full of thugs who Zach tries to teach how to dance, "Furries (I know, right?)," ex-hippies, ex-radical revolutionists, murderers and their victims. There's a g-string clad chase through the streets of Kansas City that will have you on the edge of your (banana) hammock!

The first book was written on a dare! Little did I realize I'd be doing my second one now, let alone an entire series. I have no shame!

Join in on the fun already! EVERYONE will be talking about them around the water coolers come next week. (Do they still have water coolers?)

Bad Day in a Banana Hammock

 Murder by Massage

Psst...whaddaya expect from a guy who looks like this?

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