
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Elspeth the Living Dead Girl is here! Look out!

I'm excited about my fifth book, Elspeth, the Living Dead Girl. In many ways, it was the most challenging book I've written.

Why, you ask? (Or maybe that's just the voices in my head asking. I really should seek help, I suppose, but I digress.) Not only is this the first time I've tackled a female protagonist, but you get two for the price of one! Two teen narrators. "But, Stuart," I hear you asking (again with the voices), "aren't you a 53 year old male?"

I certainly am. And that's why it was a challenge. Not only because of the female protagonists, but the two girls couldn't be more different. To start, one's dead, one's not.

Here, maybe my blurb will make it clearer:

If you’re dead already, can you die again? Elspeth’s been summoned from limbo. Her new assignment? Track down the culprit in the mysterious death of a student at Clearwell High. And incidentally, uncover the identity of the new drug dealer prowling the halls. Only one problem—the body she has to co-inhabit has a different agenda. Elizabeth just wants to be prom queen, marry Prince Charming, and graduate with perfect posture. Both girls, alive and dead, will have their separate worlds rocked before the killer is unveiled. Nothing is as it seems. No one can be trusted. Being dead has never been so dangerous.

Did I pull off these two very fun-to-write voices? You be the judge. The book's a paranormal comedy, an emotional drama, a murder mystery, a suspense thriller, and it attempts to tackle today's high school drug issues in what I hope is an entertaining manner. I also slipped in certain things that terrify me. I can't tell you what those issues are because they would amount to a heaping pile of spoilers (the only thing I left out is being naked in class, a recurring nightmare...but there's always the next book). Feel free to psychoanalyze me after you read the novel.

You might want to bring a tissue to the party, too.

Anyway. Elspeth, the Living Dead Girl

Available now at Amazon:

And at MuseItUp Publishing:

And tonight, Friday, June 27th, check out my Twitter chat, sponsored by my publisher, at 10 pm Eastern, 7 pm Pacific and 9 pm Central time. Use hashtag #Elspeth to ask questions (I'm not afraid of dumb questions, either. Bring it!) and for a chance to win a free e-copy.


  1. Congrats, Stuart! I do believe you've written another winner. I'll try to make it to the Twitter chat, but's it's date night here, so we'll see...

  2. Woohoo! Congrats, Stuart - the book looks awesome! :)
